中央研究院 綜合型流式細胞儀實驗室            Comprehensive Flow Cytometry Laboratory

全國唯一同時提供病毒、細菌、藻類真菌、植物與動物等實驗室與野外樣品分析分選的流式細胞儀實驗室分選的樣品類型居全國之冠。目前設備包括 CytoFLEX S 高通量流式細胞儀、CytoFLEX SRT 智能細胞分選儀和具有明視野影像功能的 COPAS VISION 1000 大顆粒分選平台,可提供精確細胞計數、DNA 含量分析、多色螢光分析,以及高純度四向分選和精準單細胞分選等服務。實驗室致力於提供高品質分析分選技術,同時提供最先進的流式細胞學專業知識和研究諮詢服務,現以中央研究院為主要服務對象,有餘裕時方接受院外學術機構申請歡迎各研究單位多加利用

** 設施僅接受BSL-1樣品拒收具放射感染性病原微生物樣品!!! **

Established in 2010, the IPMB Flow Cytometry Core Facility is committed to providing high-quality analysis and sorting services for all research units at Academia Sinica. We also provide the most advanced flow cytometry expertise and research consulting services. With our equipment including a CytoFLEX S flow cytometer, a CytoFLEX SRT cell sorter and a COPAS VISION 1000, we can provide absolute cell counting, DNA content analysis, and multicolor fluorescence analysis, as well as high-purity fourway sorting and precise single cell sorting. Our facility is positioned as a “comprehensive flow cytometry laboratory”, with rich analysis experience for viruses, bacteria, and algae, as well as plant and animal cells. All researchers are welcome to apply for our services. 

** Only Biosafety Level 1 (BSL-1) classificated samples are accepted. **

Our Mission

  • Single cell multi-omics
  • Microbial flow cytometry
  • CRISPR / Cas-9 gene editing target cell sorting workflow
  • Direct evolution processing cell sorting
  • Nanopartical researches (viral, exosomes, vesicle transport)
  • Environmental stress on physiology (PHA, ROS.....)
  • Biotechnology & environmental ecology research support
  • Microbiol population multi-omics support

設施介紹 Lab Introduction

設施服務日曆 Service Calendar

線上申請表單 Application Form

設施諮詢 Consultation

營運經理: 曾于芳

設施電話: 02-2787-1013

聯絡信箱: bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw

設施位址: 中研院 植微所 R104室


Operation Manager: April Tseng

TEL: +886-2-2787-1013

Email: bluegill@gate.sinica.edu.tw

Address:  Room 104, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica.